Friday, January 25, 2013

1-28 -- 2-18 DUE DATES





Mon. 1-28 – All classes: Today is last day to turn in retest parent signatures and grammar test signatures. Parent e-mails will not be acceptable – this is YOUR HOMEWORK and you were told to put it on agendas. I will also take coming of age signatures – not parent e-mails. Purple has SSWEs due; grammar study; hand out Catcher test study sheet if it has not been distributed; Catcher test is 3-18. Hand in parent signatures for book of choice; I will take these for ONLY three days – I will not take them after Wednesday, so drop by to give it to me – in my hands --  between classes if you do not have me tomorrow or Wednesday.

Tues. 1-29 – Purple/blue: introduce adverb clauses. Coming of age signatures due; no parent e-mails.

Wed. 1-30 – Purple/orange/pink: Introduce BEHAVIOR patterns re: Catcher/all people; talk about my different approach to teaching CIR; ; quiz on Catcher 1-46; ASSIGN Catcher 46-88 due 2-4; discuss Catcher.  Coming of age signatures due.

Thurs. 1-31 – Blue/orange/pink:  see and do what is written above for 1-30.

Fri. 2-1 -- All classes: Roots 9 test.

Mon. 2-4 -- All classes:  quiz 46-88 of Catcher; discussion; ASSIGN 88-122 (due 2-11). Later in the book, this illustration will have GREAT meaning…


Tues. 2-5 – Purple/blue: discuss Catcher;  vocab 9 test.

Wed. 2-6 – Purple/orange/pink: vocab 9 test (orange/pink); discuss Catcher.

Thurs. 2-7 – Blue/orange/pink: Finish Catcher discussion; adverb clauses.

Fri. 2-8 – All classes: 25 minute test on Roots 10; Finish Catcher discussion (purple from Monday) and if not finished with any other class; grammar re: adverb clauses and all that has been studied this year.

Mon. 2-11 – All classes: quiz on Catcher pp. 88-122; discussion of Catcher; ASSIGN 122-174 (due 2-19 for purple/blue) and due 2-20 for orange/pink.

Tues. 2-12 – Purple/blue: Catcher discussion continued; grammar study?

Wed. 2-13 – Purple/orange/pink: Catcher discussion continued; grammar study? ASSIGN Catcher essays to PURPLE.

Thurs. 2-14 – Blue/orange/pink: ASSIGN Catcher essays and due date; give out directions/rubric; Catcher discussion to be continued.   Fri. 2-15 – Mid-winter break HOLIDAYS! J Let’s do a FIELDs trip! Let’s go skiing!!

Mon. 2-18 – Mid-winter break HOLIDAYS!

Friday, January 11, 2013

BLOG 1-14 --1-25 (2WEEKS DUE DATES/QTR. 3)

Fields/Davis Academy

Due Dates/Quarter 3

Mon. 1-14 – Al l classes: Man in the Moon Marigold TEST; bring your books or printed copies to turn in!!!                                                                

I will assign “For Esme –with Love and Squalor” to be read by 1-16 (purple/orange/pink) and by 1-17 (blue). ALWAYS EXPECT A QUIZ OVER A READING ASSIGNMENT.  I will not remind  you again… just know.  I will hand out study sheet for grammar test on 1-18 (if I have not already done so).  Be sure to add to that sheet: be able to identify sentences according to their structure (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex) and adjective clauses.  I did not know when I printed the sheet that we would get as far as we have…


Tues. 1-15 – Purple/blue: grammar questions re: anything on study sheet…?


Wed. 1-16 – Purple/orange/pink:  HONORS has Man in Moon… papers due.  Discuss “Esme.”  ASSIGN: “Just Before the War with the Eskimos” to be read by 1-22 (purple/blue) and by 1-23 (Orange/pink).


Thurs. 1-17 – Blue/Orange/Pink: Discuss “Esme.”


Fri. 1-18 – All classes:  Grammar test


Mon. 1-21 – MLK holiday



Tues.  1-22 – Purple/blue: Finish discussing “Esme;” Discuss “Just Before the War with the Eskimos.”  ASSIGN Catcher, pp. 1-46 due 1-30 (purple/orange/pink); due 1-31 (blue).


Wed. 1-23 – Purple/orange/pink: Many of your teachers will be out of class and in various vertical team meetings this week; today is the day I will be in meetings much of the day.  At this point, I do not know the specific  times, so I do not know if there will be a sub for your class or not.  Thus, BRING your Catcher books; you will have SILENT time for reading in class – and I do emphasize that word SILENT, my dears…J (“Don’t make me pull this car over and come back there!” J)        


Thurs. 1-24 – Blue/orange/pink: Finish discussing “Esme” if we have not; discuss “Just Before the War.”


Fri. 1-25 – All classes: Grammar re: adjective clauses and everything else studied thus far;

COMMA rules re: non-essential adjective clauses; HAND OUT DIRECTIONS for BOOK of CHOICE READING; hand out info for parents; hand out rubrics.