Friday, August 30, 2013

Blog/Fields 9-2 -- 9-13


Summary:  We are wrapping up discussions on summer reading, A Separate Peace, and preparing for the test on same novel.  We will be studying the elements of the novel and short story; at same time, we will examine literary trends.  Students will take in depth look at imagery and will be assigned an imagery/descriptive writing assignment, “Thinking of Happiness.”



Mon. 9-2 Labor Day is supposed to be a day to rest from labor; if you have looked and planned ahead and are caught up, then I hope you will rest and relax and enjoy this day.  Reading your book of choice may fit nicely into an hour or two of relaxation today…


HW: ________________________________________________________________


Tues. 9-3 “A” day: all blocks: I hope you had a nice long weekend…Teacher needs to double check some ASP definitions with you if they have not been completed.  We will read and discuss “The Story of an Hour,” which demonstrates several literary trends, some of which you heard about when we discussed ASP.  We will look at others on literary trends sheet and in the short story. Be sure your nightly homework addresses some time for roots, vocabulary, literary terms, and diction (see the long diction sheet given the first day).


HW: _________________________________________________________________


Wed. 9-4 Half day/all blocks: If we meet classes (as of printing date, administration has indicated there is possibility of special programs today), we will talk more about “Story of an Hour” and literary trends. This story is, in part, preparation for next writing assignment: a creative writing assignment that focuses on imagery. You have 2 days of holidays coming up; look ahead and be sure you are caught up.  I hope you do not work over these holidays and that they are meaningful ones to you and your family.


Thurs. 9-5  Rosh Hashana


Fri. 9-6 Rosh Hashana




Mon. 9-9 All blocks: I will hand out imagery writing assignments (“Thinking of Happiness”) and explain.  I will also teach analogies and/or context clues strategies, both skills on SSAT, CTPs and PSAT/SAT.  Look ahead on due dates and agenda.  You have ASP test this week.  I gave you the study sheet on the first day for that test; it should be in with your filed handouts.  You have a literary terms test next week.  Plan ahead; stay on the ball. 


HW: ________________________________________________________________________


Tues. 9-10 Blocks 2,4,3: Continue work on either contextual clues strategies and/or analogies.  Look ahead on due dates and agenda; you have an imagery assignment due next week.  Your ASP test is tomorrow; bring your fast hand – it is long but easily finished -- if you know material well and can move that hand along…


HW: ________________________________________________________________________


Wed. 9-11 Blocks 2,7,6,3: Test on ASP. Be sure to look ahead at due dates and agendas; work daily on reading outside book, studying vocabulary/doing an exercise, studying roots, literary terms and diction. You have literary terms test next week.  Do a little each night. Remember, imagery assignment is due next week as well.


HW: ___________________________________________________________________


Thurs. 9-12 Blocks 4,7,6: Test on ASP.  Those who took test yesterday may have a few minutes to dot the i’s and cross the t’s in a quick look through; the same opportunity will be given tomorrow to  those who take the test today, of course. .  Be sure to look ahead at due dates and agendas; work daily on reading outside book, studying vocabulary/doing an exercise, studying roots, literary terms and diction.  Do a little each night. Remember,

imagery assignment (“Thinking of Happiness”)  is due next week. You also have literary terms test next week.


HW: ___________________________________________________________________


Fri. 9-13 “C” day: all classes/short day.  The students who took ASP test yesterday will be given a few minutes to dot your i’s and cross your t’s as well. You have literary terms test Monday, and imagery assignment is due Wednesday.  Shabbat Shalom.


HW: ___________________________________________________________________









Susan C. Fields

8th grade Language Arts

Davis Leadership Team

The Davis Academy

7901 Roberts Drive

Atlanta, GA 30350

770-671-0085     Main Line

Ext. 144


Catch our Ruach!  The Davis Academy is Atlanta’s Reform Jewish Day
School and a proud affiliate of the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta.


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