Wednesday, September 25, 2013

2 week blog/ 9-30--10-11

Summary:  For the next 2 weeks, we will be focusing on grammar; I will do a quick review from last year’s material to build on the new material (phrases); there will be several pop quizzes, as students must stay caught up day to day in order to apply new information to previously studied material.  We will also begin the book SPEAK and our study of resilient traits of children so that we can apply those traits to the main character and so that we may explore our own resilient traits.



Mon. 9-30 All blocks: Auto/biography book of choice assignment is due along with rubric, as always.  I will hand out next class novel SPEAK and make assignments. Part 1/First Marking Period is due 10-7;  part 2/Second Marking period is due 10-21; part 3/Third Marking Period is due 10-31; part 4/Fourth Marking Period is due in next trimester/date will be announced later.  Each reading due date will come with a quiz over your reading, of course, and then with a few days of discussion that follow.  Look ahead on due dates and agenda: Roots 2 test tomorrow (COMPREHENSIVE); vocabulary test Friday.


HW: ___________________________________________________________________


Tues. 10-1 Blocks 2,3,4  Roots 2 test (30 minutes); grammar in class.  Look and plan ahead on agenda and due dates.  Address vocabulary, roots, diction, and literary terms as needed.  You are also reading SPEAK, but one can read this book in a couple nights to get each part done so you still have a few days.  Do what YOU have to do, which may not be same things your neighbor has to do.


HW: ___________________________________________________________________


Wed. 10-2 Blocks 2,7,6,3:  Roots 2 test (30 minutes); grammar in class.  Look and plan ahead on agenda and due dates.  Address vocabulary, roots, diction, literary terms as needed.  You are also reading SPEAK, but one can read this book in a couple nights to get each part done so you still have a few days.  Do what YOU have to do, which may not be same things your neighbor needs to do.


HW: __________________________________________________________________


Thurs.10-3 Blocks 4,7,6:  grammar in class – there are many ways to teach grammar.  We may do grammar via editing skills today (SSWE) or diagramming or introduction of something else.  Be sure to look ahead on due dates and agenda; tomorrow you have vocabulary test 2.  Look ahead and plan ahead…You should be learning a few roots, doing a vocabulary exercise each night, reading – whatever you need to do to be caught up…You all are working at different  paces and have different things to take care of.


HW: __________________________________________________________________


Fri. 10-4 All blocks: vocabulary test 2 (30 minutes); we have some time left to either do some clean up from the week or move ahead with grammar.  SPEAK 1 quiz/reading deadline on Monday; roots 3 test is on Tuesday and Wednesday.  See due dates and agenda.  Look ahead; plan ahead.  Do what YOU need to do, which may not be the same as what your neighbor needs to do. You are all working at different paces to meet the same goals.  Shabbat Shalom, my sweet ones.


HW: ___________________________________________________________________



Mon. 10-7 All blocks: Quiz 1 on SPEAK; discussion begins.  Roots test is tomorrow and Wednesday, and vocabulary test is Friday. Literary terms test 2 (COMPREHENSIVE) is Monday and similar to test 1; know terms, definitions, and be able to spot an example of term in excerpts presented… Look ahead; plan ahead.  You have all the tools needed to stay on task and to meet deadlines – and you are doing a great job! J


HW: ___________________________________________________________________


Tues. 10-8 Blocks 2,4,3: Roots 3 test (COMPREHENSIVE) will be 30 minutes; SPEAK discussion.  You should look over the grammar…If there are definitions or lists you have not memorized, be sure you take care of this so that you can make applications; look ahead on due dates and on agenda.  Vocabulary test 3 is Friday.


HW: ___________________________________________________________________


Wed. 10-9 Blocks 2,7,6,3:  Roots 3 test (COMPREHENSIVE) will be 30 minutes; SPEAK discussion.  You should look over the grammar…If there are definitions or lists you have not memorized, be sure you take care of this so that you can make applications; look ahead on due dates and on agenda .  Vocabulary test 3 is Friday.


HW: ___________________________________________________________________


Thurs. 10-10 Blocks 4,7,6:  SPEAK discussion; look ahead; plan ahead. Vocabulary test 3 is tomorrow.


HW: ___________________________________________________________________


Fri. 10-11 All blocks: vocabulary test 3 (30 minutes); continue SPEAK discussion.  Look ahead: literary terms test 2 (COMPREHENSIVE) is Monday. Shabbat Shalom, my sweet ones.


HW: ___________________________________________________________________









Susan C. Fields

8th grade Language Arts

Davis Leadership Team

The Davis Academy

7901 Roberts Drive

Atlanta, GA 30350

770-671-0085     Main Line

Ext. 144


Catch our Ruach!  The Davis Academy is Atlanta’s Reform Jewish Day
School and a proud affiliate of the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta.


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