Wednesday, February 26, 2014

FW: blog for first two weeks Trimester 3



From: Susan Fields
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 8:02 AM
To: Susan Fields
Cc: Lauren Ward
Subject: blog for first two weeks Trimester 3


We will be finishing Catcher in the Rye in-class discussions; you should be working on essays; you have grammar test; sswe editing work will be assigned; you should be reading censored book or African-American author; you continue study of vocabulary and roots; we will study dependent clauses.


Mon., 3-3:  All BLKS: vocab 7-9 test.


HW: ________________________________________________________________


Tues., 3-4: most likely “A” day due to conferences Thursday and Friday; FACULTY MEETING; grammar test.


HW: _________________________________________________________________


Wed. 3-5: most likely “A” day due to conferences; if grammar test is long one, this would be grammar test, part 2 day; otherwise, we are doing grammar or discussing Catcher 5.


HW: _________________________________________________________________


Thurs., 3-6:  CONFERENCES with your sweet moms and dads…


HW: _________________________________________________________________


Fri., 3-7:  CONFERENCES, cont’d.



HW: _________________________________________________________________


Mon., 3-10: ALL BLKS: Vocab 10 test; assign outside reading: African-American writer or censored writer/fiction/225+ pages; in-class assessment 3-26…Ask me what to read/watch for and think about…


HW: __________________________________________________________________


Tues., 3-11: BLKS: 2,4,3: FACULTY MEETING; Hand out SSWE/critical rdng/editing; due 3-19 or 3-20 depending on your block #; discuss Catcher 5.

HW: __________________________________________________________________


Wed., 3-12: BLKS:2,7,6,3: Hand out SSWE/critical rdng/editing; due 3-19 or 3-20 depending on your block #; discuss Catcher 5.


HW: _________________________________________________________________


Thurs., 3-13: BLKS 4,7,6: Clauses and punctuation/diagramming.


HW: _________________________________________________________________


Fri., 3-14:  ALL BLKS: Roots 10 test; Catcher essays due.


HW: _________________________________________________________________







Susan C. Fields

8th grade Language Arts

Davis Leadership Team

The Davis Academy

7901 Roberts Drive

Atlanta, GA 30350

770-671-0085     Main Line

Ext. 144


Catch our Ruach!  The Davis Academy is Atlanta’s Reform Jewish Day
School and a proud affiliate of the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta.


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