Friday, August 24, 2012

week 8-27--8-31





Mon.  8-27  ALL classes:  All students should come to class with: summer reading illustrations and questions/responses, and  SP book; each student will have about 3 minutes to show/explain his/her illustrations in order to full understand intertextuality; your answers to questions will not be turned in for a grade but will be used for class discussions/reflections.


HW: _________________________________________________________________


Tues. 8-28  Purple/blue:  Diction 1 test over first half of long sheet will be given (2o minutes);  for the diction tests, you should know how to spell each word, its denotation (definition), how to use in sentence/differentiate from its confusing counterpart(s); a discussion or activity re:   A Separate Peace.



HW: _________________________________________________________________


Wed.  8-29  Purple/orange/(pink):  Diction 1 test for orange and pink; see above (8-28) instructions/requirements for the diction tests; discussion or activity re: A Separate Peace;  be sure that all of you prepare for next class meeting: 4 quotes from A Separate Peace  that you thought were most interesting, challenging and/or revealing about the book.  These quotes do not have to be actual character dialogue, although they may reflect dialogue.  These should be typed and should reflect correct use of quotation marks and  MLA parenthetical documentations.  See the “how to do correct quotations” handout given the first day; you should also have typed on the same page two provocative questions about anything in the book.  Your questions and quotes will be used in part as guideline for discussions in class; do not conspire with a neighbor about what to choose – use your own brain!


HW: ___________________________________________________________________


Thurs. 8-30  Blue/orange/pink:  Blue needs to see/follow instructions above (8-29) re: 4 quotes and 2 provocative questions for next class meeting; we will have discussion/activity re: A Separate Peace.


HW: ___________________________________________________________________


Fri.  8-31  ALL classes:  25 minute vocabulary test 2; honors has epiphany in a natural setting (imagery) writing assignment due; we will have A Separate Peace discussion/activity; catch up with any loose ends from the week.


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